About HP DCE/9000 Version 1.7


HP DCE Administration Tools


The Account Manager requires a bit-mapped display; it does not run on



ASCII terminals. Also, small bit-mapped displays (such as some PC


displays), which may cut off portions of dialog boxes, are unsupported.


Running the Account Manager



If you are running the Account Manager locally, you do not need to set


the DISPLAY environment variable ($DISPLAY). If you are running the


Account Manager from a remote machine, however, use the following


command to set the DISPLAY environment variable to the local




export DISPLAY=localhostname:0.0


If $DISPLAY is not set, the following warning displays:


Warning: You are viewing the Account Manager using a remote X


display. Passwords and other confidential information will pan


over the network in clear text, and may be seen by network pirates.


You may wish to exit the Account Manager and run it from a local X




Start the Account Manager with the following command:




If you want to perform privileged operations (such as registry


modifications) with the Account Manager, you must run the Account


Manager as the DCE cell_admin principal.


The Account Manager can also be started as follows from SAM:


1. Log in as root.


2. Execute sam from a shell prompt.


3. Select (double click on) DCE Cell Management.


4. Select (double click on) DCE Account Manager.

Planning and Configuring HP DCE 1.7
