Example 43 Generating a consolidated cadvise report from multiple PDBs

$ cadvise report -pdb 1.pdb:2.pdb:3.pdb:4.pdb -all

Report generated using "HP Code Advisor C.XX.XX [Release Date]" on <Machine Name> at <Time> Report command line: "Report Command Line"

=============================== DETAILED REPORT ================================

------------------------------- SEVERITY LEVEL 8 -------------------------------

"/home/rajen/cadvise/testing/1.c", line 5: warning #2549-D: variable "p" is used before its value is set y = *p = 1;


"/home/rajen/cadvise/testing/4.c", line 5: warning #2549-D: variable "c" is used before its value is set a = b = c;


------------------------------- SEVERITY LEVEL 5 -------------------------------

"/home/rajen/cadvise/testing/2.c", line 4: warning #2223-D: function "scanf" declared implicitly scanf("%d",&a);


"/home/rajen/cadvise/testing/3.c", line 7: warning #2223-D: function "printf" declared implicitly printf("%d\n", y);


"/home/rajen/cadvise/testing/1.c", line 5, procedure main: warning #20200-D: Potential null pointer dereference through p is detected (null definition:/home/rajen/cadvise/testing/1.c, line 2)

6.19 Generating PDB diffs with multiple PDBs

Just as using multiple PDBs to get a consolidated report, PDB diff can also support multiple PDBs. A sample command for PDB diff with multiple PDBs will be as follows:

$ cadvise report -pdb pdb1:pdb2:pdb3:... -basepdb


6.20 Recommended process for analyzing the diagnostic messages

The recommended process for analyzing the diagnostic messages is as mentioned below:

1.See a summary report using cadvise report. This gives an overview of the diagnostic messages that have been generated for the application.

2.Analyze all high severity ( >= 7) diagnostic messages generated by cadvise. These diagnostic messages have a very low false positive rate and are likely to point out defects in the application.

3.Each distinct type of diagnostic message generated by the code advisor has a number associated with it. From the summary, identify particular diagnostic messages that are of importance to the application, and then generate a detailed report only for those diagnostic messages. This allows you to focus on a few selected diagnostic messages.

4.Individual developers can analyze the diagnostic messages generated for a particular portion of the code by filtering the report for a particular set of files. This can be done using

-file_summary and -file options.

6.21 Report options interoperability

Filtering options such as -diag, -exclude, -include, and -severitycan be used with one another to generate a report filtered on the criterion.

NOTE: These filtering options are ignored when used with -all, -summary, and

-file_summaryoptions. However, the -alland -severityoptions can be used together to create a detailed report of diagnostics with severity above the specified severity level.

The following examples shows the usage of multiple options simultaneously.

40 Generating reports