9 Fixing the warnings by source change
The HP Code Advisor Diagnostics Reference Guide document enables you fix the warnings with a brief description for a partial list of diagnostics emitted by cadvise. In this document, there are four sections for each description as mentioned below:
•The Cause section
Discusses the possible reasons for the diagnostic to be emitted.
•The Example section
Provides relevant sample code segments that result in the specific diagnostic. The sample code segments are not complete, compilable programs - you might have to include the necessary header files, provide the code segment within main() function (if one is not provided in the code segment) and use necessary compiler options (such as +w, +wlint) to reproduce the diagnostic.
•The Action section
Suggests possible solutions to avoid the diagnostic.
•The Reference section
Consists of relevant section numbers from the standard document if the diagnostic pertains to any language standard.
For more information, see HP Code Advisor Diagnostics Reference Guide at the website:
56 Fixing the warnings by source change