Connecting to a room controller
If your projector has a serial port, you can connect the projector to a room controller using a serial
Serial connections
The serial port on the projector uses a standard serial
•Pin 2: data sent to the projector (RxD)
•Pin 3: data sent from the projector (TxD)
•Pin 5: ground
The room controller must use the following serial
•9600 baud
•1 start bit + 8 data bits (D0=LSB, D7=MSB) + 1 stop bit
•No parity
•Full duplex communication channels (no flow control)
•No handshaking
Examples of room controller commands
In the following examples, “<CR>” and “<LF>” represent a carriage return and line feed, respectively.
Commands are sent to the projector as "requests" which consist of an asterisk (*) prefix, the command name, any needed parameter, and a carriage return <CR> as a terminator:
* command = parameter <CR>
Requests can contain only ASCII alphanumeric characters. Blanks (spaces) are allowed, except within keywords and numbers. Line feeds <LF> are ignored.
52 Installing Permanently