About This Guide


This guide follows several procedural and typographical conventions to better provide clear and understandable instructions and descriptions. These conventions are described in the following sections.

This book uses the following conventions for structuring information:

Cross References




Cross References

When a topic is covered in depth elsewhere in this guide, or in another guide in this series, a cross reference to the additional information is provided. Cross references help you find related topics and information quickly.

Internal Cross References

This guide is designed to be used as an electronic document. It contains cross references to other sections of the document that act as hyperlinks when you view the document online. The following text is a hyperlink: Procedures.

External Cross References

Cross references to other publications are not hyperlinked. These cross references will take the form: see <chapter name > in the Publication Name.


This guide uses the following typeface conventions:


used for the names of screen elements like buttons, drop-down lists, or fields. For


example, when you are done with a dialog, you would click the OK button. See


Procedures below for an example.


used for text a user must type to use the product


used for guide titles, variables, and important terms


used for cross references in a document or links to web site


This guide contains several step-by-step procedures that tell you how to perform a specific task. These procedures always begin with a phrase that describes the task goal, followed by numbered steps that describe what you must do to complete the task.

The beginning of every chapter has cross references to the procedures that it contains. These cross references, like all cross references in this guide, are hyperlinked.

xii X Family LSM User’s Guide V 2.5.1