Network Equipment filters
Filters that detect and block the malicious attacks that target equipment accessible through a network. Network attacks can broadly or specifically seek access and data to corrupt on a network. These filters are part of the Infrastructure Protection filter category.
notification contacts
Recipients of alert messages. These contacts receive an email alert when a filter with the proper notification contacts settings triggers. Contacts include staff with email accounts and the SMS application.
P2P filters
Filters that use the same algorithms as attack filters, but which block
packet trace
Allows you to capture all or part of a suspicious packet for analysis. You can set the packet trace priority and packet trace verbosity for action sets.
Performance Protection
Category of filter types that allow key applications to have prioritized access to bandwidth ensuring that mission critical applications have adequate performance during times of high congestion. These filters include misuse and abuse, IP, and congestion/mitigation filters.
Port Scan/Host Sweep filters
Filters that perform port scans and host sweeps to prevent any malicious code, attacks, and exceeded threshold limits for traffic. Each filter scans a specific type of port and protocol to block attacks against ports and hosts. These filters are part of the Application Protection filter category.
PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol)
rate limiting
Setting in an action set that defines a maximum bandwidth that can be used by traffic that matches filters assigned to that action set. Incoming traffic in excess of this bandwidth is dropped. If two or more filters use the same rate limiting action set, then all packets matching these filters share the bandwidth.
Reconnaissance filters
Reconnaissance filters monitor traffic for events that indicate network activity usually associated with common information gathering techniques used by attackers to launch more sophisticated attacks. These attacks search through your network using various methods to locate vulnerabilities. After the
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