Chapter 5 Events: Logs, Traffic Streams, Reports

For details on configuring the Syslog Server contact for the System, Audit, VPN, and Firewall Session log, see “Configure remote syslog for the System, Audit, VPN, and Firewall Session logs” on page 106.

CAUTION Remote syslog, in adherence to RFC 3164, sends clear text log messages using the UDP protocol with no additional security protections. Therefore, you should only use remote syslog on a secure, trusted network to prevent syslog messages from being intercepted, altered, or spoofed by a third party.

Configure remote syslog for the System, Audit, VPN, and Firewall Session logs



From the LSM menu, select System > Configuration > Syslog Servers.

On the Syslog Servers page, for each log type you want to offload, click the check box and specify the IP address for the syslog server.

Managing Logs

On each log page, the functions available for the log are displayed at the top of the page. You can also access the log functions from the System Summary page. The following table describes these functions:

Table 5–8: Log Functions













To view a log from the LSM, select Events > Logs. Then, click the name



of the desired log.



To customize the display, specify the desired value in the Records per



page field.




To page through log entries, use the Navigation functions in the upper



and lower left corners:



<< Go to first page




Go to previous page




Go to next page



>> Go to last page






Click the Download icon to download an electronic copy of the log or



report. When you click the icon, the Download Log page displays to



specify filter criteria for the log entries to be included in the



downloaded log.



When you download some logs, the downloaded log file contains



additional information that is not displayed in the LSM interface. For



details, see Appendix C‚ “Log Formats”






Click the Search icon to search for an entry in the log or report. The



Logs page displays a search page according to the selected log or report.






Use the Reset icon to clear a log of all current entries. The log will then



begin compiling new information.





106X Family LSM User’s Guide V 2.5.1