How Local User Authentication Works: RADIUS, Privilege Groups and X.509 Certificates

Table 9–9: Local Certificate Details (Continued)







Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name of this Local Certificate. See “Certificate


Requests” on page 260 for information about Distinguished Names.


These include CommonName, Locale, State or Province, Organization,


Department, Country, and Street Address.



Serial Number

Serial number of this Local Certificate, shown in upper-case hexadecimal





Valid From

The start date of this Local Certificate, shown in the format <month>


<day> <hour>:<min>:<sec> <year> <timezone>



Expires On

The end date of this Local Certificate, shown in the format <month>


<day> <hour>:<min>:<sec> <year> <timezone>




The current status of this Local Certificate, either:


• Valid


• Revoked by CA CRL


• Not Valid - certificate valid in the future


• Not Valid - certificate has expired


• Not Valid - unable to verify certificate with current CAs




For each Local Certificate listed in the table, you can:


• Delete the certificate.


• Export the certificate to a file. You must provide the password for


the certificate before you can export it.



For additional information, see the following topics:

“Create a Certificate Request” on page 262

“Import a Local Certificate” on page 265

“Export a Local Certificate” on page 266

Import a Local Certificate




From the LSM menu, select Authentication > X.509 Certificates. Then, select Local Certificates.

On the Local Certificate page in the Import Certificate table, type a unique Certificate Name. Use only characters: only a-z, A-Z and 0-9 are allowed. (No spaces, symbols or special characters)

This is the local name that the X family device used to identify the Local Certificate in the LSM.

Type the Certificate Password for the Local Certificate.

This password is issued by the Local Certificate provider.

X Family LSM User’s Guide V 2.5.1