
Banner Ad Servers

Pop-Up advertisements


Arts & Entertainment

Museums, galleries, artist sites (sculpture, photography, etc.)

Performing arts (theatre, vaudeville, opera, symphonies, etc.)

Dance companies, studios and training

Book reviews and promotions, variety magazines and poetry

Television, movies, music and video programming guides

Online magazines and reviews on the entertainment industry

Celebrity fan sites

Broadcasting firms and technologies (satellite, cable, etc.)


Jokes, comics, comic books, comedians or any site designed to be funny or satirical

Online greeting cards

Amusement/theme parks


Web-based chat

Instant Message servers

Note This category filters HTTP traffic only.

Computing & Internet

Reviews, information, buyer's guides of computers, computer parts and accessories, and software

Computer/software/Internet companies, industry news and magazines

Pay-to-Surf sites


Educational institutions, including pre-, elementary, secondary, and high schools; universities

Educational sites: pre-, elementary, secondary, and high schools; universities

Distance education and trade schools, including online courses

Online teacher resources (lesson plans, etc.)

X Family LSM User’s Guide V 2.5.1