Hughes DW6000 manual Check Network Operations Center NOC Connectivity

Models: DW6000

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Check Network

Operations Center (NOC)


Use the Connectivity Test link to check connectivity to the DIRECWAY Network Operations Center (NOC).

Note: You may want to open a second browser window to be able to access the help page while conducting the Connectivity Test.

1.Click on Connectivity Test on the left hand side of the System Control Center. A screen with a Start Test button appears. See Figure 21.

2.Click Start Test. A message will appear, informing you if the test was successful.

3.If the connectivity test succeeds but you still cannot surf the Internet, try pinging the Router Address from your computer. Ping is a basic Internet program that lets you verify that a particular IP address exists and can accept requests. Ping is used diagnostically to ensure that a host computer you are trying to reach is actually operating. Ping operates by sending a packet to a designated address and waiting for a response. Windows and MacIntosh operating systems both let you use ping.

a.At the Control Center, click on the System Info indicator. The System Info screen appears.

b.From the DW6000 Information box, record the router address.

c.In Windows, go to StartRun. The Run box appears.

d.Type command in the Open field and click OK. The Command window appears. See Figure 22.

e.At the prompt, type ping followed by a space and the router address and press ENTER. For example, if the router address is, type ping and press ENTER. If the ping is successful, the message in Figure 22 appears. If it fails, the message will show the packets were lost; timeout messages will probably also appear. See Figure 23.

f.Close the window to end the Command session.

If pinging the Router Address succeeds but you still cannot surf the Internet, skip to the Internet Connectivity test below.

If pinging the Router Address fails, the default gateway address is probably not set correctly in the computer’s operating system settings. The default gateway address should be the DW6000 IP address as received during commissioning and displayed in the System Information DW6000 Info box in the IP address line. Fix this in the computer's operating system settings. See Appendix A – Typical operating system settings, on page 45. Then repeat the sequence above.

If the tests still fail, power cycle the DW6000 by unplugging the power cord from the power strip or surge protector, waiting 10 seconds, and plugging it back in. If you still can’t surf the Internet, call your service provider.

30 DW6000 Troubleshooting

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Hughes DW6000 manual Check Network Operations Center NOC Connectivity