Thischapter describes functions such as switching channel, volume control and basic features for watching
4.1 Switching Channel
Youcan switch the current channel using one of the following methods.
1. Press the CH+/CH- or button.
2. Enter the channel number using the NUMERIC(0-9) buttons to go to the channel directly.
3. Press the TV/RADIO button to switch between TV channel and radio channel.
Note: Youcan switch channel using the channel list or programme guide. Please refer to Chapter 7. Channel
Listand 8. Programme Guide for more information.
4.2 Volume Control
1. Press the VOL+/VOL- or buttonto adjust the audio volume.
2. Press the MUTE button to stop the audio temporarily.
Note: Themute function remains set while you switch channels.
4.3 Teletext
Whenthe channel supports teletext, the teletext icon isdisplayed on the i-plate.
1. Press the TEXT button.
2. To display teletext menu, press the MENU button in teletext
3. Select the teletext function you want using the buttonand
pressthe OK button.
4. To view the teletext page, use the orCH+/CH-
Index Returnsto index page. If there is no index page, jumps to page 100.
Sub-page Searchesthe sub-page using the sub-code written by users.
Mix Adjuststransparency of teletext screen.
Cancel Hidesthe teletext except page number.
Reveal Displaysthe concealed information.
DoubleSize Displaysthe text size as double size.
PageHold Holdsthe current page not updating it.
4. Basic Operation

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