8. Cannot update new software.
Youcan get an update. If the product does not show a message requesting update, that means no software is
9. Cannot watch scrambled channels.
Checkthat you have the appropriate Smartcard or CI-Module. Reinsert the Smartcard or CI-Module and make
sureit initializes correctly.
Checkin the menu that the product is detecting the Smartcard or CI-Module.
Checkin the menu that you have a valid and working subscription to the channels you wish to view.
Ensurethat the Smartcard or CI-Module is not damaged.
10.Cannotwatch pay channels.
Checkin the menu that you have a valid and working subscription to the channels you wish to view.
Contactyour network operator for more information.
11.Cannotrecord progammes.
Thehard disk is full. Delete unnecessary programmes and make space for new recording.
Checkif recording is overlapped with another channel. Stop the current recording or wait until the recording is
12.Cannotoperate the TSR.
TheTSR may not be available during the recording. Wait until the recording is finished.
Deleteunnecessary programmes and make space for new recording.
13.Theproduct makes a humming noise.
Thenoise is from the fan; the hard disk is operating normally. This kind of noise is inevitable but seldomly
Toplay back the recorded file of a scrambled channel, use the Smartcard. In case it has been a long time
sinceyou last recorded, this may not work. Contact the product distributor.
Thesignal during the recording may be weak or the hard disk too full.
15.Cannotchange channel while recording.
Certainchannels may not be changed due to restriction of the tuner type.
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