6.3 Programme Playback in the Play List
Youcan playback the recorded programme by pressing the PLAY LIST button.You can switch among VIDEO
(TV),AUDIO (radio) and Selected Files list using the button.


1. Select VIDEO/AUDIO list using the button.
2. If you select programmes using the GREEN button, the
programmesyou select will add to Selected Files list
Formore information about Delete, Select, Sort and Play, refer
to6.3.2 Selected Files List.
Moveis inactivated in VIDEO/AUDIO list.

2. Selected Files List

1. Select Selected Files list using the button.
2. Select the programmes and press the GREEN button to select
therecorded programmes. To unselect the selected
programmes,press the GREEN button again.
3. Select the programmes you want to remove using the GREEN
buttonand press the RED button to remove the recorded
programmesfrom Selected Files list.
4. Select the programmes you want to move using the GREEN
buttonand press the YELLOW button. Move the cursor to the
destinationusing the button and press the OK button.
Apop-up will appear. Select Yes and press the OK button.
5. Each time you press the BLUE button, the sorting order of the
recordedprogrammes change in the following sequence: by
descendingtime, by ascending time, by name.
6. Select programmes you want to playback using the GREEN button and press the OK or PLAY button
toplay the recorded programmes. The programmes will be played in the selected order.
Youalso can playback the recorded programme in Menu–Record–Recorded Programme. Please refer to 6.5.6
Playinga Recorded Programme.
Youcan playback the programme currently being recorded. For more information, refer to 5.2.5 Recording.
Certainparts of the programme may blink when playing back a recorded programme in case the recording mode
isswitched from scramble to descramble or vice versa.
6. Recording and Playback

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