GPS and Navigation Data Overview

When you select a new GPS source, the position, menu settings, view rotation, and digital readouts will automatically update on the control head. To view navigation and share navigation data on the network, it is important to understand the GPS source and how to share navigation data.

Menu Settings: If the GPS source is shared, the control heads will synchronize menu settings (Shared), while other menu settings will continue to operate individually (Local) on each control head. When you change a shared menu setting on one control head, it will be updated on the other control heads that are sharing the GPS source.

Views: The view rotation will update to correspond with the GPS receiver. If a networked control head is not a chartplotter, it will display chart information in trackplotter format (if it is trackplotter-capable).

Navigation: To share navigation on both control heads and share navigation data (waypoints, routes, and tracks), Share Navigation Data must be turned on. See Share Navigation Data for more information.

MOB Navigation: To view Man Overboard (MOB) navigation on both control heads, Share Navigation Data must be turned on. See Share Navigation Data and Share MOB Navigation for more information.

Alarms: To share navigation alarms, each control head must turn on the Share Navigation Data menu. When navigation is shared, the shared alarm settings can be controlled on either control head, and the alarms will display or sound on both control heads.

NOTE: If a GPS source is shared, the alarms and navigation features are NOT shared. Turn on Share Navigation Data to share navigation data and alarms

GPS & Navigation Data Overview