Each data window can either be empty or contain one of the following (varies by position and by view):
5 Selectable Data Windows, Used by Standard Chart Views;
COG | Course Over Ground; Course Over Ground is the current direction the boat is traveling |
| measured in degrees from North (i.e. 321°, where 000° is North, 090° East, 180° is |
| South, 270° is West). When the Course Over Ground is equal to Bearing, the boat is said |
| to be “On Course” and will arrive at the destination in the most efficient manner. See the |
| Glossary for more information. |
Off | Suppresses the readout so that no data shows in that position. |
Position | Position is the current location (latitude, longitude) determined by GPS. |
SOG | Speed Over Ground; Speed Over Ground is the measurement of the boat’s progress across |
| a given distance, and is the speed measurement provided by GPS; accurate destination |
| times can be derived from this measurement. See the Glossary for more information. |
Temp | The current detected water temperature from an |
| Temp/Speed accessory. |
Aux. Temp | The current detected water temperature from an |
| Temp/Speed accessory. |
Time | The current time. |
Time + Date | The current time and date. |
Triplog | Displays the triplog, which measures the elapsed time since last reset, the distance traveled |
| since last reset, and average speed during timed interval. |
Voltage | Power supplied to the control head. |
Water Speed | The current speed of the water as it flows past the boat. |
NOTE: You can set these 5 readouts with navigation mode settings as well, so that, when you are navigating, these views contain navigation data instead of the regular settings. See Navigation
8 Adjustable Data Windows, Used by Bird's Eye Big Digits and Chart Big Digits Views; 3 Adjustable Data Windows, Used by Bird's Eye Instrument View and Chart Instrument View; Navigation and
Bearing | Bearing is the direction to a destination waypoint measured in degrees from North (i.e. |
| 321°, where 000° is North, 090° East, 180° is South, 270° is West). |
CMG/SMG | Course Made Good/Speed Made Good. Course Made Good is the angle between the |
| starting point on a route and the current position of the boat. The goal is to have CMG and |
| Track equal to the same number. See the Course Made Good illustration. Speed Made Good |
| is the distance from the starting waypoint on the route divided by the time elapsed since |
| starting navigation on the route. |
COG | Course Over Ground. Course Over Ground is the current direction the boat is traveling |
| measured in degrees from North (i.e. 321°, where 000° is North, 090° East, 180° is |
| South, 270° is West). When the Course Over Ground is equal to Bearing, the boat is said |
| to be “On Course” and will arrive at the destination in the most efficient manner. See the |
| Glossary for more information. |
Off | Suppresses the readout so that no data shows in that position. |
Position | Position is the current location (latitude, longitude) determined by GPS. |
SOG | Speed Over Ground. Speed Over Ground is the measurement of the boat’s progress across |
| a given distance, and is the speed measurement provided by GPS; accurate destination |
| times can be derived from this measurement. See the Glossary for more information. |
TRK/CMG | Track/Course Made Good. The Track Line is the desired line of travel between two waypoints, |
| and represents the most efficient path between the two points because it is a straight line. The |
| TRK is measured in degrees. See above for an explanation of Course Made Good. |
TTG | Time To Go. Time To Go is the estimated time required to reach the destination waypoint. |
| TTG is calculated using the SOG and DTG. |
Temp | The current detected water temperature. |
Aux. Temp | The current detected water temperature from an |
| Temp/Speed accessory. |