531569-1_B - 955c ManE.qxp 3/4/2007 5:03 PM Page 18
The EXIT key has multiple functions, depending on the situation:
•If an alarm is sounding, pressing EXIT will cancel the alarm.
•If a menu tab is selected, pressing EXIT will exit the menu mode and return to the view.
•If a menu is active, pressing EXIT will return to the previous level in the menu system.
•Pressing EXIT will cycle through the available views in reverse order.
•If the Cursor is active, pressing EXIT will remove the cursor from the display.
Press the INFO key while in any navigation view to display information about objects that are nearest to an active cursor.
If the cursor is not active, the following menu will be displayed. Use the
Press the MARK key while in any view to mark the position of a waypoint, either at the current boat location, or, if the Cursor is active, at the current Cursor location.
The MARK key only functions if you have the GPS receiver connected, or if you have enabled Screen Snapshot from the Accessories menu tab. If you have enabled the Screen Snapshot feature, pressing the MARK key still creates a waypoint, but it also captures the screen image to the optional- purchase MMC/SD card.
NOTE: You must have an
Navigation is not affected by the Screen Snapshot feature. Also, if Screen Snapshot is enabled but there is no GPS receiver connected, pressing the MARK key will capture the screen image and display an error saying that a GPS position fix is required to create a waypoint.
The GOTO Key has multiple functions, depending on the situation:
•If the Cursor is active, pressing the GOTO key while in any view creates a waypoint and starts navigation towards that waypoint. If the Cursor is not active, pressing the GOTO key displays the list of waypoints, so that you can select the waypoint towards which you want to navigate.