There are a considerable number of CLI commands. Many of them are for low-level S/390 hands-on operation (such as instruction stepping, inspecting registers and memory, and so forth). These are described in detail in FSIMM210: CLI Language Reference, from FSI. We describe only a few of the higher-level commands here. We assume you are in flexescli interactive mode for these examples:

flexes> halt

(stops current emulated S/390 CPUs)

flexes> go

(resumes operation, if not single step)

flexes> hwc

(enter text for system console)

flexes> ipl devaddr [parm]

(IPLs the first emulated CPU)

flexes> iplc devaddr [parm]

(clears state and memory first)

flexes> mount devaddr [filename OFFLINE]

(discussed later)

flexes> notready devaddr

(make emulated device not ready)

flexes> quit

(terminate flexescli; also ‘exit’)

flexes> ready devaddr

(makes emulated device ready)

flexes> restart

(like the ‘restart’ button on S/390)

flexes> rewind devaddr

(only for FakeTape or SCSI drives)

flexes> shutdown

(gracefully terminates S/390)

flexes> unload devaddr

(unloads FakeTape or SCSI drive)

(like a ‘mount devaddr OFFLINE’ for other devices)

Here are a few brief notes concerning CLI commands:

￿Unlike with the resources manager, CLI numeric parameters are assumed to be hexadecimal.

￿There are many aliases for commands, not shown here. For example: go = g = start.

￿The mount command is perhaps the most common CLI command. Do not confuse it with the Linux mount command. They are completely different commands that perform different functions.

A resources definition can define a device as OFFLINE. This means that the emulated device exists but is, in effect, turned off.

A CLI mount command can, while an emulated S/390 is running, dynamically “turn on”

the device, using a specified file or name. Some examples are:

flexes> mount A90





a 3390)








a local 3270)





(a FakeTape


The first example is similar to mounting a disk pack (if disk packs were available for 3390s). The named file (or symbolic link) should point to a properly formatted emulated 3390 volume.

The second example causes the name altcons to be added to the list of connections available through the Terminal Solicitor.

The third example, in effect, is a tape mount.

Appendix B. FLEX-ES parameters 83

Page 93
Image 93
IBM s/390 manual Flexes mount A90 S390/WORK01, Altcons, Home/tape3