Before checking problems with the computer, deter whether the damage is covered under the warrant referring to the following:
Note for Warranty:
For Warranty:
During the warranty period, the customer may b responsible for repair costs if the computer d was caused by misuse, accident, modification, u able physical or operating environment, or imprope maintenance by the customer. The following list p vides some common items that are not covered un warranty and some symptoms that may indicate the system was subjected to stresses beyond normal
The following is not covered under warranty:
Ÿ LCD | panel cracked by applying excessive forc |
or | by being dropped. |
ŸScratched (cosmetic) parts.
ŸCracked or broken plastic parts, broken latch broken pins, or broken connectors caused by excessive force.
Ÿ Damage caused by liquid spilled into the s
ŸDamage caused by improperly inserting a PC
Card or installation of an incompatible card.
Ÿ Damage caused by foreign material in the FD
ŸDiskette drive damage caused by pressing t diskette drive cover or inserting diskettes multiple labels.
Ÿ Damaged or bent diskette drive eject butto
excessive force, shock, or by being droppe
Ÿ Fuses blown by attaching a nonsupported devic
ŸForgotten computer password (making the com- puter unusable).
The following symptoms might indicate damage caused by
ŸMissing parts may be a symptom of unauthoriz service or modification.
ŸHDD spindles can become noisy if subjected
excessive force or by being dropped.
ŸI9990303 errors can be caused by exposure strong magnetic fields.
20 ThinkPad i Series 1400/1500 HMM