Japanese | Z1255697-jap.htm |
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Portuguese | Z1255697-por.htm |
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Turkey Statement of Warranty | |
Turkish | Z1255698-tur.htm |
English | Z1255698-eng.htm |
United States, Puerto Rico and Canada Statement of Limited Warranty |
English | Z1254753-eng.htm |
French Canadian | Z1254753-fca.htm |
IBM Statement of Warranty World-wide except Canada, Puerto Rico, Turkey, United States (Part 1 - General Terms)
This Statement of Warranty includes Part 1 - General Terms and Part 2 - Country-unique Terms. The terms of Part 2 may replace or modify those of Part 1. The warranties provided by IBM in this Statement of Warranty apply only to Machines you purchase for your use, and not for resale, from IBM or your reseller. The term "Machine" means an IBM machine, its features, conversions, upgrades, elements, or accessories, or any combination of them. The term "Machine" does not include any software programs, whether pre- loaded with the Machine, installed subsequently or otherwise. Unless IBM specifies otherwise, the following warranties apply only in the country where you acquire the Machine. Nothing in this Statement of Warranty affects any statutory rights of consumers that cannot be waived or limited by contract. If you have any questions, contact IBM or your reseller.
Machine - 9497
Warranty Period* - Three (3) years
*Contact your place of purchase for warranty service information. Some IBM Machines are eligible for On-site warranty service depending on the country where service is performed.