￿Create XML documents from a DTD, from an XML Schema, or from scratch.

￿Generate JavaBeans from a DTD or XML Schema.

￿Define mappings between XML documents and generate XSLT scripts that transform documents.

￿Create an HTML or XML document by applying an XSL style sheet to an XML document.

￿Map XML files to create an XSL transformation script and to visually step through the XSL file.

￿Define mappings between relational tables and DTD files, or between SQL statements and DTD files, to generate a document access definition (DAD) script, used by IBM DB2 XML Extender. This can be used to either compose XML documents from existing DB2 data or decompose XML documents into DB2 data.

￿Generate DADX, XML, and related artifacts from SQL statements, and use these files to implement your query in other applications.

4.2.4Java development tools

All WebSphere Studio family of products provide a professional-grade Java development environment with the following capabilities:

￿Application Developer v5.0 ships with JDK 1.3

￿Pluggable run-time support for JRE switching and targeting of multiple run-time environments from IBM and other vendors

￿Incremental compilation

￿Ability to run code with errors in methods

￿Crash protection and auto-recovery

￿Error reporting and correction

￿Java text editor with full syntax highlighting and complete content assist

￿Refactoring tools for reorganizing Java applications

￿Intelligent search, compare, and merge tools for Java source files

￿Scrapbook for evaluating code snippets

4.2.5Web services development tools

Web services represent the next level of function and efficiency in e-business. Web services are modular, standards-based e-business applications that businesses can dynamically mix and match in order to perform complex transactions with minimal programming. The WebSphere Studio family of

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