3.1.4 Verifying the Installation:
This section will guide you on how to verify if the I-7560 was properly installed. You will also need to determine the COM port assignment made by Windows for the USB to RS-232 converter.
Note: Before you plug in the I-7560 for the first time, make sure that you do not attach any serial device first to the converter. You must only plug in the I-7560 itself.
To verify if the device is properly installed and determine the COM port assignment of the device:
1.Click Start _ __ _ Control Panel _ __ _ System. Inside System Properties, click on Device Manager. Double-click on Ports (COM & LPT1). You should see the I-7560USB-to-RS232 (COM3) device listing. This also means that Windows has assigned the device to COM3 port.
7000 Bus Converter User Manual (version 1.2,Feb/2003, 7PH-006-10) --------------- | 34 |