[Internet Account]
Define Internet accounts for each WAN 1 and WAN 2 ports.
Phone No.: Enter your ISP’s telephone number. Use the format described in your
modem’s user manual.
User ID.: Enter the account name provided by your ISP.
Password: Enter the password for the corresponding account name.
IP Address: Enter the IP address assigned to you by your ISP. For dynamic IP
address assignment, the IP address is
(bps) Assign the data transmission speed on the serial line of WAN 1. Available speeds are
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, and 230400 bps
Time The period of idle time allowed when a connection is established. When timer
expired, the connection will be disconnected.
Serial Port
[WAN 1] Authentica
tion The allowed password checking protocols in PPP authentication phase.
(defaults to select both)
(bps) Assign the data transmission speed on the serial line of WAN 2. Available speeds are
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, and 230400 bps
Time The period of idle time allowed when a connection is established. When timer
expired, the connection will be disconnected.
tion The allowed password checking protocols in PPP authentication phase.
(defaults to select both)
Serial Port
[WAN 2]
Disable: WAN 2 will always be disabled
Bandwidth-on-Demand (BoD): WAN 2 will be activated only when WAN 1’s
bandwidth is full-load.
Always: WAN 2 will always be activated when the first client accesses the Internet.
RAS-Port: WAN 2 acts as a RAS port that allows user remote dial-in.
Modem Configuration