Time Protocols
SNTP: Viewing, Selecting, and Configuri ng
Time Protocols
3. Enable SNTP for Broadcast mode.
4. View the SNTP configuration again to verify the configuration.
The commands and output would appear as follows:
Figure 8-7. Example of Enabling SNTP Operation in Broadcast Mode
Enabling SNTP in Unicast Mode. Like broadcast mode, configuring SNTP
for unicast mode enables SNTP. However, for Unicast operation, you must
also specify the IP address of at leas t one SNTP server. The switch allows up
to three unicast servers. You can use the Menu interface or the CLI to
configure one server or to replace an existing Unicast server wi th another. To
add a second or third server, you must use the CLI. For more on SNTP
operation with multiple servers, see SNTP Unicast Time Polling with Multiple
SNTP Servers on page 20.
Syntax: timesync sntp Selects SNTP as the time
synchronization method.
sntp unicastConfigures the SNTP mode for
Unicast operation.
sntp server <ip-addr> [version]Specifies the SNTP server. The
default server version is 3.
no sntp server <ip-addr>Deletes the specified SNTP
Deleting an SNTP server when only one is configured disables SNTP unicast
show sntp displays the SNTP configuration and also shows that
TimeP is the currently active time synchronization mode.
show sntp again displays the SNTP configuration and shows that
SNTP is now the currently active time synchronization m ode and is
configured for broadcast operation.