Using the Menu Interface
Screen Structure and Navigation
Using the Menu InterfaceTable 2-1. How To Navigate in the Menu Interface Task: Actions:
Execute an action
from the “Actions –>”
list at the bottom of
the screen:
Use either of the following methods:
•Use the arrow keys ( [<] ,or [>] ) to highlight the action you want
to execute, then press [Enter].
•Press the key corresponding to the capital letter in the action
name. For example, in a configuration menu, press [E] to select
Edit and begin editing parameter values.
Reconfigure (edit) a
parameter setting or a
1. Select a configuration item, such as System Name. (See figure 4.)
2. Press [E] (for Edit on the Actions line).
3. Use [Tab] or the arrow keys ([<], [>], [^], or [v]) to highlight the
item or field.
4. Do one of the following:
–If the parameter has preconfigured values, either use t he
Space bar to select a new option or type the first par t of your
selection and the rest of the selection appears automa tically.
(The help line instructs you to “Select” a value.)
–If there are no preconfigured values, type in a value (the Help
line instructs you to “Enter” a value).
5. If you want to change another parameter value, return to step 3.
6. If you are finished editing parameters in the displayed scree n,
press [Enter] to return to the Actions line and do one of the
–To save and activate configuration changes, press [S] (for the
Save action). This saves the changes in the startup
configuration and also implements the change in the
currently running configuration. (See Chapter 5, “Switch
Memory and Configuration”.)
–To exit from the screen without saving any changes that you
have made (or if you have not made changes), press [C] (for
the Cancel action).
Note: In the menu interface, executing Save activates most
parameter changes and saves them in the start up configuration
(or flash) memory, and it is therefore not necessary to reboot the
switch after making these changes. But if an asterisk appears
next to any menu item you reconfigure, the switch will not
activate or save the change for that item until you reboot the
switch. In this case, rebooting sh ould be done after you have
made all desired changes and then returned to the Main Menu.
7. When you finish editing parameters, return to th e Main Menu.
8. If necessary, reboot the switch by highlighti ng Reboot Switch in
the Main Menu and pressing [Enter]. (See the Note, above.)
Exit from a read-only
Press [B] (for the Back action).