Restoring a Flash Image
4. Since the OS file is larage, you can increase the speed of the download by
changing the switch console and terminal emulator baud rates to a hi gh
speed. For example:
a. Change the switch baud rate to 115,2 00 Bps.
=> sp 115200
b. Ch ange the terminal emulator baud rate to match the switch speed:
i. In HyperTerminal, select Call | Disconnect.
ii. Se lect File | Properties.
iii. click on [Configure . . .].
iv. Change the baud rate to 115200.
v. Click on [OK]. In the next window, click on [OK] again.
vi. Select Call | Connect
vii. Press [Enter] one or more times to display the => prompt.
5. Start the Console Download utility by typing do at the => prompt and
pressing [Enter]:
=> do
6. You will then see this prompt:
7. At the above prompt:
a. Type y (for Yes)
b. Se lect Transfer | File in HyperTerminal.
c. Enter the appropriate filename and path for the OS image.
d. Se lect the Xmodem protocol (and not the 1k Xmodem protocol).
e. Click on [Send].
If you are using HyperTerminal, you will see a screen similar to the
following to indicate that the download is in progress: