Operating Your Mixer
1.Make sure the touch wheel control is SET TO “OFF” and the mixer is unplugged.
2.Press the mixer head release button and LIFT MIXER HEAD UP.
4. LOCK BOWL onto the bowl locking plate.
5. LOWER THE MIXER HEAD by pressing the mixer head release button and guiding the mixer head down carefully with your hands.
7.TURN TOUCH WHEEL CONTROL until desired setting is illuminated.
8.PRESS “START/STOP” BUTTON in center of wheel.The mixer will start gradually, to avoid spattering, and build up to the selected speed.
9.To PAUSE, press the “start/stop” button again.The mixer will stop.To restart at the same speed setting, simply press “start/stop” again.The mixer will resume, ramping up to the selected speed.
10.To CHANGE THE SPEED, simply turn the touch wheel control until the desired setting is illuminated.
11.To TURN MIXER OFF, turn the touch wheel control to “OFF.” Unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet.
12.REMOVE ATTACHMENTS by pressing them up as far as possible, then turn counterclockwise to release. Pull from the attachment post.
To avoid risk of injury, be sure to press “stop” before scraping the sides of the bowl. The bowl is designed to mix effectively and require minimal scraping. Never attempt to scrape the sides of the bowl while the mixer is operating.