Grill Element
Follow instructions onpage 13 forremovingthe griflelement. Thegrillelement shouid never
beimmersed inwater. Most soilwillburn offduringuse,The terminal blockmay becleaned
witha soapy sponge. Drythoroughlybeforereinserting in therange.
These are madefrom cast-ironwhich have been coated withporcelain enamel.
• Thegrill-rocksshouldbecleaned frequently or afterany excessivebuild-up ofgrease.
Toclean tightsoil,use detergent and aplasticscrubber, suchasTufty, orwash inthe
dishwasherifburned on residue isfirstremoved. For heavysoil,soak inhot, soapywater
towhich a cleanser,such as household ammonia,has been added.Stubborn spots on
grill-rocks,such as burned on residue from sauces,canbe scrubbed withastiffbristle
Anovencleaner, suchas Easy-Off, canbe used for burnedonsoil. Followmanufacturer's
directions;spray oncleaner and let soak overnight. Do not clean grill-rocksin the self-
cleaning oven.
Porcelain Basin Pan
This area located under thegrill-recks and/or cartridges. Clean after each use of the grill.
To remove lightsoil, clean with soapy water or spray with cleansers suchas Fantastik
or409. For easier cleanup: a) spraywith ahousehold cleanser; b) cover with paper
towels;c) addsmall amountof hot water tokeep the paper towels moist; d) cover and
wait 15 mlnutas; and e) wipe clean.
To removemoderatesoil,scrub with Comet, SonAmi, a softscrub cleanser or plastic
To remove stubborn soil,spray with an oven cleaner such as Easy-Off; let soak
overnight,wipeclean, rinse and dry.
Note: Cleanthe grease drainafter each use. To clean: Pourabout 1/3cup of very hot tap
watermixed with 1 teaspoon dishdetergent down the drain. In the event the drainis clogged,
due to large foodparticles being trapped, use the nylon string that was packaged with your
range. To use the nylonstring, simplyinsert one end intothe drainopening inthebasinpan.
Feedthe nylonstringdown untilitisvisible underthe range. Now pullup onthe end extending
outfromthe top while holding a papertowel aroundthe string, toclean thestringas it isbeing
pulled.Thisshould freeanytrappad particlesoffood. Pouranother 1/3cupofveryhotwater
mixed withdishdetergent to assure the drain is opened and clear.
Grease Containers
Thecontainers are locatedbehind thebottomaccess panel, underneaththe range.(See page
44for opening access panel.) There is one container forthe left side andone for therightside.
Theycollect grease andother liquids created whitegri((ingor using some ofthe accassor[es.
Check each timeaftergrilling andempty when greaseisnoticeable. To remove, simply grasp
thehandle, andpullfromthebracketholdingthecontainer.__
• Checkthe containerperiodicallytoprevent grease from spilling
over. Ifthis shouldhappen, the grease willflow overthe
containerandontothefloor. Thecontainerandscrew-on handle
can bewashed in hot,soapy water or in thedishwasher. The
containercan be replaced withany heat tempered jar, suchas
acanningjar,which hasastandardscrewneck.