33.Thisappliance has been tested for safe performance using
conventional cookware. Donot use any devices or accessories
that are not specifically recommended in this manual. Do not
useeyelid covers for thesurface units, stovetop grills, or add-
on convection systems.Theuseofdevicesoraccessories that
are not expressly recommended in this manual can create
serious safety hazards, result in performance problems, and
reduce the life of the components of the appliance.
34.PREPARED FOOD WARNING: Follow food manufacturer's
instructions. If a plastic frozen food container and/or its film
cover distorts, warps or is otherwise damaged during cooking,
immediately discard the food and its container. The food could
be contaminated.
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986
(Proposition65) requires the Governor of California to publisha list of
substances known to the Stateof California to cause cancer or repro-
ductive harm,and requires businessesto warn customers of potential
exposures to such substances. Users of this applianceare hereby
warned that when the range is engaged in theself-clean cycle, there
may be some low level exposureto some of the listed substances,
including Carbon Monoxide.Exposure to these substances can be
minimized by properly venting therange to the outdoors during the
self-clean cycle.