If ovendoor will not unlock:
ovenmay not have cooledto safe temperatureafter self-cleaningprocess.
• electriccurrentcomingintothe oven may be off.
If foods do not broil properly:
theovencontrels maynot be set properly.
• checkrackposition.
voltageintohousemay be low.
If baked food isburned or too brown on top:
• foodmay be positionedincorrectlyinoven.
ovennotpreheated properly.
If food• bake unevenly:
therange maybe installedimproperly.
checkthe oven rackwithalevel.
staggerpans,donot allowpans totouch each other oroven wall.
checkinstructionsforsuggestedplacement of pans onoven rack.
If oven baking results are less than expected:
thepans being used may not be of the sizeor material recommendedfor best
theremaynot besufficientroomaround sidesof thepansforproper aircirculation
check instructionsfor preheating, rack position and oven temperature.
oven vent may have been blocked or covered.
If baking result• differ from previous oven:
oventhermostatcalibrationmaydifferbetweenoldand newovens.Followrecipe
anduse andcare directionsbeforecalling forservicesincethe calibrationon the
previousovenmayhavedriftedtoa toohighortoolowsetting.(See p.44- Adjusting
Fault Codes
Faultcodesareshownin theDisplayas "F"and anumber.If afaultcodeappears
intheDisplayanda continuousbeepsounds,touchtheCancelOff Pad. If thefault
codereappears,disconnectpower to the range and call an authorizedJenn-Air