Sincethe controlsarea push-turntype,theymust bepushed down beforeturning.To set
(fromthe OFFposition), push downon thecontrolknob and turnin either directionto
desired setting.
Whenthecontrolisinanyposition,otherthanOFF, itmaybeturnedinanydirectionwithout
Agreen indicator lightwillglowwhenasurfaceheating element is ON. Thereare four
indicatorlights,onefor each element.
1. 2._. 4.
1.Leftrear eJement (rearEnergy-Saver orstandard griIJ)
2. Leftfrontelement (frontEnergy-Saver)
3. Rightfrontelement (front Energy-Saver orstandard grill)
4.Rightrearelement (rear Energy-Saver)
NOTE: The "Energy-Saver"grillelement(right)is includedwithModel
frontand rear positionoftheelement. When usingthis element, both
cooktopcontrols,frontandrear,mustbe turnedoninorderto usethefurl
NOTESVE47E00 Model: Onlytheleft rearortherightfrontcontrolsmust
beturnedontouse thefull grill.
Thesizeandtypeofcookwareand the amountand typeoffood beingcookedwillinfluencethe
settingneeded for bestcooking results.Electricalvoltage may also vary,which willaffect the
neededcontrolsetting.The setting indicatedshouldserveasa guidewhileyou becomefamiliar
withyour range.
Hi Afast heat to start cooking quickly, to bring liquidsto a boil, to preheat oil for deep
fat hying.Usefor mostgrilling.
7-10 (Medium High) For fast frying or browning foods, to maintain rapid boll of large
amounts of food, to maintain oil temperature for deep fat frying.
5-6(Medium) For foods cooked in a doubleboiler, saut6ing, slow boil oflarge
amounts of food, and most frying.
3-4 (Medium Lo) To continuecooking foods started on higher settings.
Lo-2 Maintaining serving temperatures offoods, simmeringfoods, melting butter or
Thecontrolsofferflexibilityin settingselection. On settings otherthanHi,you may adjust the
controlaboveorbelowthenumberedsetting forbestresults.Thisappliesto settingswhen using
cooktopcartridgesorwhen usingthe grilloranyofthegrillaccessories.Suggested settingsare
providedasgeneral guidelines.10