Thebuilt-inventilationsystemremovescookingvapors,odorsandsmoke from foodsprepared
onthecooktop,gri}}and grillaccessories. Regular use ofthis system wilt insure a more
comfortableandlesshumidl,tchenwhichisfteeof heavycoakingodors andfumesthatnormally
createafrequent needfor cleaningand redecorating, i
• Thedowndraftventilationsystemfeaturesatwospeedfan.
Thefan positionsare: Hi, Lo, and OFF. To turnon the
ventilationsystem, touchthe Fan Pad. The fan wi({comeon
at the Hi speed. To set on Lo speed, touch theFan Pad
(oncefrom Hi setting or twicefromtheOFF position).
A beep willsound every time the Fan Padis touched.
Toturn theventilation systemOFF,touchtheFan Pad (oncefromLo speed ortwicefrom
Theventilationsystem willoperateautomatical/y on Hi speed when thegdll elementis in
use. During grilling,the fan speedis automaticallyset fortheHi setting AND cannot be
changedto Lo speed.
UsetheHIfan speedforcapturing steam.Use Lofan speed for capturing smokewhen
Thefan can beused to removestrongodorsfremthekitchen aswhenchoppingonionsnear
• _,esidesusingtheventilation systemto removecooking vaporsandfumes,it can beused
tocoolbaked piesor cakes,To coolan item, set iton theair gdlleand turnonthefan. The
airbeing pulledover the item willquicklycoolit. Becareful not to cover theoven ventor
the entireairgdne,
Air Grille
Theairgrilleliftsoff easily. Wipe clean orwash insink with mildhousehold deten:jents.It may
becleaned in the dishwasher. Note:The ovenvent is locatedunder the air grille. Whenusing
orcleeningtheoven,hotandmoistairmaybenoticedinthisarea. 13ecarefulnottospillanything
intothis vent. Removetheairgrillebeforeself-creaningtheoven. (Seep.36.)
Turn offventilationsystembeforeremoving.Thefilter is a permanent
typoand shouldbe cleanedwhensoiled. Clean insinkwith warm water
andliquiddishwashingdetergent or indishwasher.Important: Filter
shouldaMays be placedat an angle.Asyou facethefront of therange,
thetopofthefilter should rest against the leftside of theventopening
and thebottom of the filtershould rest against theright side of the
ventilation chamberatthe bottom. DONOT OPERATESYSTEM WITHOUT FILTER.
Ventilation Chamber
Thisarea,whichhouses thefilter,shouldbe cleaned intheeventofspills orwheneveritbecomes
coatedwitha film ofgrease,Itmay becleanedwith papertower,dampcloth,orsponge endmild
householddetergent. 9