TheaccesspaneliseasJlyopenedorremoved.To _
openpanel,graspuppercorners andpullforward catch
anddown.Toclosepanel, liffupandinsertprongs P"_°_
intocatchesin the range.
inganypartof the ventilation system,donot use , 1
thearea behind the access panel for storage.
To remove,pull forward to the "stop" position; lift _
up on thefront of the rackand pull out.
Theoventemperaturecan beadjustedif all oven temperaturesare tooJowortoohigh
andthe lengthoftimeto cook ALLfoods is too longor too short. DoNOT adjust the
temperatureifonlyone ortwo items are notbaking properly.
To adjust
1. Touch theBake Pad.
2, Enter500°bytouchingthenumberpads:"5,0,0."
3. TouchandholdtheBake Pad for8 secondsuntil"00°''appears inthe Display.
4.Touchtheappropriatenumberpads to enter the offset temperature. (Allowable
rangeis-35°to +35°,) Note: Touching theBroilPad will changethe - sign toa
positivenumberor backto a negative number.
Note: Do not change thetemperaturesettingmorethan 10°before checkingthe
5. TouchtheCancelOff Padto returnto the previousDisplay.
Important: The ovenshould be adjustedonly10°and the ovenshouldbetested.
(Werecommendbakingtwo9"yellowlayercakes usingapurchasedbox mix.) Ifthe
oventemperatureisstilltoo low ortoo high, repeat theproceduredescribedabove.