• Tender cutsofmeat and poultry canbe mastedtoar_chgolden brawn in the
convectionoven. FollowgeneralrecommendationsforroastinganduseConvect
Referto convectionmeat roastingchartfor recommendedcookingtemperature
andtime.Thechart can serveas a guidetohelp planmealservingtime.
• Minutesper pound will vary according to thesize,shape,quality,and initial
temperatureofmeat aswell astheelectricalvoltage inyour area. Times arebased
onrefrigerator cold meat.
A largecut ofmeatwillusually require fewerminutes per poundto roast than a
smallercut of meet.
Donot use a roasting pan with high sides; usepan provided with oven.
Donot cover meat. Allow the circulatinghot air to surround the meat andseal in
the juices.
Sincethe breastmeat on a large turkeycooksmorequicklythanthethigh area,
placea "foilcap" overthebreast areaafter desiredbrownnessisreached to prevent
overbrowning. (See above.)
Astuffed turkeywillrequireanextra 30 to 60minutes, dependingon size.Stuffing
should reachan internaltemperature of185°F,
Convect Roasting: Frozen to Finish
Meats(exceptpoultry)maybe roastedfrozento finish,Followtheseguidelinesforthe
• Usetemperatures for roastingfreshmeatsasrecommended bymostcookbooks.
Generally, most meats are roasted at 325°F. For best results do not use
temperatures below 300°F.
Usetimes for roastingfresh meatsgiven inyour favoritecookbooks asapproximate
guidesfor roasting frozen meats. Roastingtimes w)})vary due to factorssuchas
coldnessofmeat, size, quality,orcut. Ingeneral, roastingtimesfor frozen to finish
in the convection oven win be approximately the same as fresh to finish in a
conventionalbake oven.
Theguidelinesgivenfor roasting freshmeatsinthe convection oven also applyto
roastingfrozen meats.
Insertmeat thermometer midwayduring the cooking process.