Theoven rackscanbecleanedinthe oven. However,theoven reckswilldiscolor,
loseshininess,andbecomedifficulttoslideinand outifleft intheoven dudngthe
WiLLBEOBJECTIONABLE. ASa suggestion,do not leave the racksin the oven
dudngeachself-cleaningprocessiftheydo not need to be cleanedsince theywill
discolorto a dull silver after onecleaning.Moderately soiled rackscanbe cleaned
with a soapyS,O.S. pador Scotch-Britsscour pad. Stubborn stains need to be
removedintheself-cleaningprocess. Besureto readspecialtips onpage40 ifoven
racksarecleanedduringthe self-cleaningprocess.
*Omitsteps4 & 5 if you wishcleaningtobeginimmediately.
To set oven to start cleaning immediately
1. Closetheovendoor,
2. TouchClean Pad.
indicatorWordsCLEAN TIME wigflashand Displaywigshow"HR :".
3. Touch the appropriatenumberpad(s),
Thefirstnumberpad touchedwill enter"3:00" in theDisplayforanaveragesoiled
oven.Thecleaningtime canbevarieddependingonthe amountofsoil.Set"2:00"
for lightsoil or "4:00"for heavy soil.
Note: If more than fifteenseconds elapse between touching a Clean Pad and
touchinga number pad,theoven is not set and time of day will automatically return
Example:If at 9 o'clock you selectedto self-cleanyour ovenfor 3hours, theDisplay
Fifteensecondsafterentering"3:00"or foursecondsafterenteringadifferent time,
theovendoor winstartto automatically latch and the cooling fan wlHcomeon. The
LOCK IndicatorWord wiJlcomeon whenthedoor is latched.
Note;If oven door wasleft open, "door"will flash in Display and a signal will
continuouslybeep until the door is closed and the CleanPad is touched.
TheIndicatorWord ON comes on when the door is latched and will remain until the
cleantemperature is reached.The Indicator Word ON will cycle with theelements
to maintain theclean temperature. 37