4 Permanent settings in programming mode
gT Turn the Rotary Switch until the programme item ‘Machine
settings (4/5)’ is displayed.
T Press the ‘Choose language’ button.
‘Choose language’
ETo display more languages, press the ‘Next’ button (bottom
T Press the ‘Deutsch’ button.
‘Gespeichert’ appears briefly on the display.
‘Geräteeinstellungen (4/5)’
O T Press the P button to exit programming mode.
‘Bitte wählen Sie Ihr Produkt:’
In the programme item ‘Machine settings (4/5)’/ ‘Display’ you can
make the following settings:
U‘Brightness’ (as percentages) U‘Contrast’ (high, normal, low) U‘Backlight’ (backlighting; as percentages)
Example:Proceed as follows to change the brightness of the display.
Precondition:‘Please select product:’ is displayed.
O T Press the P button.
‘Maintenance status (1/5)’
gT Turn the Rotary Switch until the programme item ‘Machine
settings (4/5)’ is displayed.
T Press the ‘Display’ button.
T Press the ‘Brightness’ button.
T Press the ‘+’ or ‘–’ button to change the setting.
T Press the ‘Save’ button.
‘Saved’ appears briefly on the display.
O T Press the P button to exit programming mode.
‘Please select product:’

Display settings