Sound Adjust ° Continued
Many broadcasts today contain more than one audio signai, in addition to stereo and mono soundtracks, some broadcasts atso contain a second soundtrack in a different language. Use MTS to select the audio signal you wish to listen to.
•Select STEREO for your normal listening needs. With this setting programs broadcast in stereo will be played by the TV in stereo. Programs broadcast in mono sound only will be played in mono sound.
Select MONO if you are receiving a weak signal. Mono sound will usuaity give clearer sound from weak signais than wiit stereo. With this setting aII broadcasts, mono and stereo, will be played in mono sound only by the television.
Select SAP (Second Audio Program) to listen to an alternate soundtrack (if one is being broadcast). Alternate soundtracks may be the dialog of a program in a different language or additional information about a program topic. A logo will appear at the beginning of a program with SAP to inform you that an alternate soundtrack is available.
Some Sound Advice
You can tell if a program is broadcast in stereo by the position of the ON AiR arrow in the MTS menu. Unfortunately, some cable companies may "squash" the transmission of stereo programs because they have only monaural equipment, if you are connected to a cable system, the sound is at the mercy of that cable company, if they broadcast only monaural signals, your television will only receive a mono signal even if the program was originally broadcast in stereo.
Fortunately, most programs that are broadcast in stereo are aired on the major television networks, if you connect your TV to an antenna instead of cable, and set the tuner mode in the AUTO TUNER SETUP to "AIR" instead of "CABLE" you will be able to pick up stereo broadcasts in stereo.