Therearedouble Abuildingorpassingairplanecanreflecttheoriginalsignalandproducea
pictures(ghosts) second,slightlydelayedoneAdjustyourantennaposition..
Pictureissnowy Yourantennamaybedamaged,disconnectedorturned.
(imagenoise) Checktheantennaconnectionpage10inQuickSetup.
Screenis80%black TheClosedCaptionTextmodeisonTurnitoffintheCLOSEDCAPTION. Menu,seepage39.
Stereoorbilingual MakesuretheMTSsettingsarecorrectSee"MTS"onpage46.. programscannotbe
Thereisnosoundfrom TheCenterCHInputmaybeturnedonSeepage50. . theTV'sspeakers
Staticelectricity Itisnormaltofeelstaticelectricityifyoubrushortouchthescreen.
Youhearoccasional ItisnormalfortheTVtomakecracklingsoundswhenfirstturnedonoroff.
cracklingsounds Unlessthesoundorpicturebecomesabnormal,thisisfine.
The following are not malfunctions,
• The television may make a creaking sound if the temperature of the room or the temperature of the inside of the television changes, if there is no problem with the screen or sound, then
there is no need to worry.
• The operation of this television is not guaranteed below 0°C. If the power is turned on when the temperature is below 0°C, the picture may be disturbed. Use the television when the
temperature is 0°C or higher.
•Although the picture may be temporarily disturbed and noise may be seen on the screen if the power is turned on immediately after it has been turned off, this is not a malfunction.
Refer to the tame below to check the condition, if you think that there is a problem, contact the JVC Service Center where you purchased the television.