Picture u
Picture Adjust 2
The second PICTURE ADJUST menu lets make further adjustments to the television's picture and display qualities.
The second PICTURE ADJUST menu can be accessed by either pressing the T button while at the last option of the first PICTURE ADJUST menu or by pressing MENu again.
With COLOR TEMPERATURE, you can decide how strong or dull the colors appear on the TV screen.
Use the A Iv arrows to select COLOR TEMPERATURE.
Use the 4 or _- arrows to turn COLOR TEMPERATURE LOW or HIGH
With DiGiTAL NOISE CLEAR, this helps take our static or noise from a channel that may not be coming in clearly.
Use the A _'arrows to select DiG. NOISE CLEAR.
Use the 4 or _ arrows to adjust the amount of noise reduction.
Press 4 to decrease the noise reduction, or press l_ to increase the noise reduction.
The NOISE MUTING setting inserts a grey screen over any channels that are not broadcasting or have signais to weak to have clear signais. Press the 4 or l_ arrows to turn NOISE MUTING on or OFF.