Figure 4-35 Certificate File Upload
Users can upload certificate here: Click “Browse”, it will pop out a window then you can choose the file that you want to upload.
Admin Function
Press the
The default setting for system Admin ID and password is:
User ID: admin
Password: jvc
Language: English
You can enter your own Admin ID and password at this field.
Figure 4-36 Administrator
Please click the “Save” button to save your settings. You can also
Note click the left button “Reset to Default” to set all the data and options as defaults.
User List
Besides administrator, guests can access the camera under authorization from system administrator by ID and password controller. However, User1~5 are allowed to review the live picture only. Without authorization, any operation will be forbidden.
ŸThe default guest’s login name and password are “user” and “jvc”.
ŸEnter a guest’s User ID in the User ID field.
ŸEnter a password associated with a guest’s User ID