Setting system parameters

TP set-up/search

In this menu, you can scan through the transponders for specific programmes, e.g. when new programmes are offered in the package of a specific broadcaster. You can obtain this information from SAT 1 teletext or corresponding TV and satellite magazines as well as from

the Internet. Press ￿to open the menu. ￿￿

Transponder selection

The following settings are now possible (select positions with


￿￿Required satellite with ￿or ￿,

￿￿the transponder frequency with ￿or ￿button,

￿￿the polarisation with ￿or ￿button,

￿￿the symbol rate with the numerical buttons and

￿￿search mode for free-to-air or free and encrypted programmes with the ￿or ￿button.

The bar diagram indicates the relative signal strength and is not an indication for the quality of the receiving system.

Start the search by pressing ￿in the "search" position.


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Kathrein UFD 515 manual TP set-up/search, Transponder selection