Quick Start
DataTraveler® 400 - Migo (DT400)
For hardware installation, please refer to the hardware installation instructions included with the DT400.
System Requirements
Operating System: Microsoft Windows Vista®, XP SP1 and SP2, and 2000 SP4
Email: Microsoft Outlook 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2007 with POP3/SMTP and Exchange Server*, Lotus Notes 6.5 and 7.0 with POP3/SMTP and Domino*, Outlook Express 5.0 and 6.0, Windows Mail and Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5 and 2.0
Web Browser: Windows Internet Explorer 5.0 - 7.0 and Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and 2.0
* Remote Systems require VPN connection
5.Click START to launch the MigoSync Profile Wizard.
6.Accept the license agreement to continue.
7.Now create a nickname for your new Migo Profile (Figure 3).
Helpful Hints are available via the right side of the Migo Wizard.
Creating Migo Profile(s) on Your Host Computer
1.Insert the DT400 into the computer’s USB port.
2.The DT400 will appear in My Computer (Computer in Vista) as Kingston (Removable Disk in Windows 2000).
Figure 1: MigoSync.exe
4. After the Migo files extract to your computer, the MigoSync Welcome will appear (Figure 2).
Figure 2: MigoSync Welcome
DT400 - Migo QuickStart v1.3
Figure 3: Migo Profile Nickname
8.Click NEXT to continue.
9.You can include your Internet Home Page, Favorites, and other Internet settings into
your Migo profile by selecting, “Include my Browser settings…” Place a checkmark next to the available Browser(s) (e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox) you would like to synchronize into your Migo Profile. (Figure 4). Click NEXT to continue.