2 Click the picture you want to copy to your computer.
The border of the selected thumbnail picture turns light blue. To select all pictures, click the Select All button.
To select multiple pictures, hold down the Ctrl key and click the desired pictures. To select all pictures that reside between two pictures, hold down the Shift key and click the first and last desired pictures.
3 Click the Save button.
The Select Folder dialog box appears.
4 Specify the destination folder and click the OK button. The pictures are copied to your computer.
Unless you specify a different folder name and location, a folder is created based on the current date using the format
Example: If the date is August 1, 2000, the pictures are copied into the
folder named
If a picture has the same name as a file in the destination folder, it is automatically saved using a name with a “_n” suffix (where “n” is a number).
Example: If the file “DCP_0001.JPG” already exists, a picture having the same name is saved using the name “DCP_0001_1.JPG”.
5To exit the DC3200 Picture Transfer Software, click the Close button.
After you save pictures to your computer, you can delete them from the camera memory or Picture Card to make room for new pictures.
Changing Communication
1Click the Settings button.
The Communication Port Setting dialog box appears.
2Adjust the serial port and port speed and click the OK button.