Kodak DryView 8900 manual Control, To-film, lot-to-lot

Models: DryView 8900

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Film Technical Information


Relative Log Exposure (Example)

Image Quality

DryView Laser Imaging Film delivers diagnostic-quality, continuous-tone


images along with sharp alphanumerics and optimum contrast. This high-


quality, silver-based film provides radiologists with the same diagnostic


information they are accustomed to viewing - including the spatial


resolution, contrast and grey levels. Because it is a totally dry imaging


process, there is no image quality variability due to “wet” chemistry.

Automatic Image Quality DryView Laser Imaging Film is system-matched for the Kodak patented


Automatic Image Quality Control (AIQC) technology. This fully automated


system, which is a standard feature of DryView Laser Imagers, is designed


to ensure that image quality parameters meet preset user preferences, film-


to-film, lot-to-lot.



January 10, 2006

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Kodak DryView 8900 manual Control, To-film, lot-to-lot