Kodak DryView 8900 manual Operation and Maintenance

Models: DryView 8900

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Operation and Maintenance

2Film supply drawer button. The film supply drawers are accessed from the front of the laser imager. Touch any drawer button to close the film cartridge and open the drawer. The button also provides film information related to the currently installed cartridge:

Film size appears in the upper left corner.

Film type appears in the lower left corner.

Current number of film sheets available appears on the right.

3Main Menu button. When touched, the local panel displays the Main Menu (see “Main Menu” on page 3-6).

4Preventive Maintenance icon. When displayed, Preventive Maintenance is needed.

5Power button. When touched, the local panel displays the Power display.

6Job Management. When touched, the local panel displays the Job Management screen (see “Job Management Screen” on page 3-11).

7Status display area. Displays system status messages.

January 10, 2006



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Kodak DryView 8900 manual Operation and Maintenance