Chapter 10
Status | Cause | Solution |
Ready light glows | Camera’s internal | Transfer pictures to the |
steady red. | memory or card is | computer (page 67), delete |
| full. | pictures from the camera |
| (page 43), switch storage |
| locations (page 11), or |
| insert a card with available |
| memory (page 10). |
| Camera processing | Wait. Resume picture taking |
| memory is full. | when the light turns green. |
| Card is | Change storage location to |
| internal memory (page 11), |
| or use a different card. |
Ready light blinks | Picture is being | Camera is operating |
green. | processed and saved | normally. |
| to the camera. |
Ready light blinks | Flash is not charged. | Wait. Resume picture taking |
yellow. |
| when the light stops blinking |
| and turns green. |
| Auto exposure or | Release the Shutter button |
| auto focus are not | and recompose the picture. |
| locked. |