11.1 We want you to be a satisfied customer
1-2 bizhub 180
Introduction Chapter 1
1.1 We want you to be a satisfied customer
Thank you for choosing the bizhub 180.
This user manual describes the functions, operating procedures, precautions, and
basic troubleshooting for the bizhub 180.
Before using this machine, be sure to read the user manual thoroughly in order to
ensure that you use the machine efficiently. After you have gone through user’s
guide, store it in the holder and keep it handy at all times.
Note that some of the illustrations of the machine used in the user manual may be
different from what you actually see on your mac hine.
1.2 Trademarks and Registered Trademarks
KONICA MINOLTA, KONICA MINOLTA Logo, and The essentials of imaging are
registered trademarks or trademarks of KONICA MINOLTA HOLDINGS, INC.
PageScope and bizhub are registered trademarks or trademarks of KONICA
Netscape Communications, the Netscape Communications logo, Netscape
Navigator, Netscape Communicator, and Netscape are trademarks of Netscape
Communications Corporation.
PageScope Box Operator:
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
Copyright 1986-2003 VACS Corp.