99.1 When Incorrect Copies Are Produced

9-2 bizhub 180

Troubleshooting Chapter 9

9.1 When Incorrect Copies Are Produced

Symptom Possible Cause Remedy
The copy is too light. The copy density is set too
light. Use the Auto/Photo
key to select a darker
copy density (p.5- 36).
The copy paper is damp. Replace the paper. (p. 3-5)
The copy is too dark. The copy density is set too
dark. Use the Auto/Photo
key to select a lighter
copy density (p.5- 36).
The document was not
pressed close enough
against the Original glass.
Position the document so
that it is pressed closely
against the Original glass.
The copy is blurry. The copy paper is damp. Replace the paper. (p. 3-5)
The document was not
pressed close enough
against the Original glass.
Position the document so
that it is pressed closely
against the Original glass.
There are streaks through the
There are specks throughout
the entire copy.
The Original glass is dirty. Wipe the glass with a soft
dry cloth. (p.10- 7)
The Document pad is dirty. Clean the Document pad
with a soft cloth dampened
with a mild detergent.
The original is highly
translucent, such as diazo
photosensitive paper or
OHP transparencies.
Place a blank sheet of
paper over the document.
A double-sided document is
being copied. If a thin double-sided
document is being copied,
the information on the back
side may be reproduced in
the copy. Use the Auto/
Photo key to select a
lighter density for the
background. (p.5-3 6)
The Imaging unit has
reached the end of its
service life.
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