2.3 Legal Restrictions on Copying 2
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Precautions Chapter 2
2.3 Legal Restrictions on Copying
Certain types of documents must never be copied with the purpose or intent to pass
copies of such documents off as the originals.
The following is not a complete list, but is meant to be used as a guide to
responsible copying.
<Financial Instruments>
GPersonal checks
GTravelers checks
GMoney orders
GCertificates of deposit
GBonds or other certificates of indebtedness
GStock certificates
<Legal Documents>
GFood stamps
GPostage stamps (canceled or uncanceled)
GChecks or drafts drawn by government agenci es
GInternal revenue stamps (canceled or uncanceled)
GImmigration papers
GMotor vehicle licenses and titles
GHouse and property titles and deeds
GIdentification cards, badges, or insignias
GCopyrighted works without permission of the copyright owner
In addition, it is prohibited under any circumstances to copy domestic or foreign
currencies, or works of art without permission of the copyright owner.
When in doubt about the nature of a document, consult with legal counsel.