If “YES” is selected and the Set/Zoom button is pressed, the print will be deleted from the print list and the print list screen will return.

If “NO” is selected and the Set/Zoom button is pressed, deletion will be canceled and the print list screen will return.

*When “Cancel All” is selected, all of the print data in the list will be deleted.

Press the Set/Zoom button.

*The Automatic image print file in the CF card can be updated to comply with the contents of the print list by selecting “OK” from the print list and pressing the Set/Zoom button.


“Image number” and “frame number” are separate things.

Customizing the Camera

The setup mode is used to change the settings of the camera operation items to make the camera easier to use. The CF card is also

formatted from the setup mode.

The following explains how to switch the setup mode and the various settings.


The items that are marked by an asterisk (*) are advanced setup items and are not normally required to change. When an item is changed to a non-initial setting, the circle () that precedes it will turn to blue in the center ().