Connectthe outputs of the Audio+ Video Standardto the input(s) of your power amplifier(s).
The Audio + Video Standard has balanced outputs via XLRconnectors and single-
ended outputs ~,, RCAconnectors. Both outputs are act~e at all times, allowing simultaneousconnectionto separateampli- fiers. Only one of these output formats shouldbe connectedto a single amplifier.
Whenconnecting inputs or outputs to the Audio + Video Standard, rememberthat the balancedconnections will have 6 dB more gain than the
installation, keepthis spe~'ficationin mind.
5.Plug the ACcord into the receptacle on the backof the Audio+ VideoStandard. Plug the remainingendinto the ACwall receptacle. Toggle the main power switch (38) to the up position. Thered powerLED(9) will illuminate, andthe maindisplay (4) will
Presseither the front panelpowerbutton
(8)or the remotecontrol powerbutton [see Figure3 (44) on page15]. Theword WAITwill appearin the maindisplay and the initializing messagewill appearon- screen. To configure the Audio + Video Standard for operation, see System Configurationon page18.
See Figure 3 on page16
40 AnalogAudioInput Buttons
These buttons select the analog audio source.B1 is a balancedinput via
41 Digital AudioInput Buttons
These buttons select the digital audio source. C1and C2 are coaxial inputs via RCATM connectors, T1 and T2 are TosLink inputs, XLRis an AES/EBUconnection, and RFis available via RCAor BNCconnectors.
42Processing ModeButtons Thefollowing six buttonsselect oneof the Audio + Video Standard's processing
modesFCN,.the function button, is reserved for future use.
The Audio + Video Standardautomatically selects whichdigital decodingformatto use, basedonthe input signal it receives.
Whena silent digital signal is present, the Audio +VideoStandardwill automatically mute its output until program material resumesand the Audio +Video Standard identifies the correct processingmodeThis. occurs while changinglaser, DVDor com- pact discs, andbetweentracks on a cd.
Muteprotects your systemby preventingthe Audio + Video Standardfrom playing back digital data in an incorrect format. If the Audio+ VideoStandardis going to be used
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